Map: Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry (Simons and Nichols)
This is a text dealing with the basics of quantum mechanics and electronic structure theory. It provides an introduction to molecular spectroscopy and to the subject of molecular dynamics.
1: The Basic Tools of Quantum Mechanics
2: Approximation Methods
3: Nuclear Motion
4: Atomic Orbitals
5: Molecular Orbitals
6: Quantum Mechanics in Reactions
7: Further Characterization of Molecular Orbitals
8: Electronic Configurations
9: Symmetry of Electronic Wavefunctions
10: Angular Momentum and Group Symmetries of Electronic Wavefunctions
- 11: Evaluating the Matrix Elements of N-electron Wavefunctions
- 12: Quantum Mechanical Picture of Bond Making and Breaking Reactions
13: Molecular Rotation and Vibration
14: Time-dependent Quantum Dynamics
15: Spectroscopy
16: Collisions and Scattering
- 17: Higher Order Corrections to Electronic Structure
- 18: Multiconfiguration Wavefunctions
- 19: Multi-Determinant Wavefunctions
- 20: Response Theory
- Jack Simons (Henry Eyring Scientist and Professor of Chemistry, U. Utah) Telluride Schools on Theoretical Chemistry and Jeff A. Nichols (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
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