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Goldschmidt in Britain

Geoscientist 17.3 March 2007

On the 60th anniversary of V M Goldschmidt's death, Geoff Glasby explores the life and times of one of geochemistry's pioneers…

Victor Moritz Goldschmidt is one of the greats of geochemistry, whose pioneering work in the early decades of the 20th Century established the new discipline of geochemistry1. His successful interwar research in Oslo and Göttingen and the reasons for his departure from Göttingen in 1935 as a result of the rise of the Nazi Party are well known (see Box). Less well known are his contacts with scientific colleagues in Britain, the circumstances of his move to Britain in 1943 and the seminal role of British scientists in ensuring Goldschmidt’s future reputation after the war. 

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