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3.1. Goldschmidt’s Atomistic Views of Geochemistry

I (GB) never had a chance to meet Goldschmidt as I was only 3 years old when he died in 1947. However, excellent biographies of Goldschmidt by Mason (1992) and Glasby (2006) provide a detailed account of the career and scientific contributions of this remarkable man who is widely acknowledged as the father of modern geochemistry. In a lecture on March 15, 1929 to the Royal Institution at the University of Oslo entitled “The Distribution of the Chemical Elements”, and later in his classic paper presented before the Chemical Society on March 17, 1937 (Goldschmidt, 1937), Goldschmidt grouped the chemical elements into different families (the now well-known categories lithophile, siderophile, chalcophile, atmophile, and biophile) based on their affinities for different anions; this classification, which has stood the test of time, was based on detailed X-ray spectrographic analyses of many rocks and minerals (Goldschmidt, 1923). He also first suggested that adsorption reactions of aqueous trace elements, particularly on iron oxides, play a critical role in the evolution of the composition of seawater – a hypothesis that was later proven by the experimental studies of Konrad Krauskopf (Section 4). Goldschmidt’s classification of the elements provides a useful guide for predicting the affinity of ions in solution for different mineral surfaces and natural organic matter (NOM). An example is the affinity of Type B metals such as Hg, Ni, Cu, and Zn for reduced sulphur ligands, such as thiol groups in NOM. In the realm of crystal chemistry, Goldschmidt is well known for his systematic work on the crystal structures of AX, AX2, AX3, A2X3 and other solids, from which he derived a set of radii values of ions that bear his name (Goldschmidt and Thomassen, 1923; Goldschmidt, 1926; Table 3.1). Goldschmidt’s most wellknown and lasting contribution to crystal chemistry is his radius ratio rule, with radius ratio defined as the ionic radius of a cation divided by the ionic radius of the anion to which the cation is bonded. This rule, when used with the ionic radii values Goldschmidt derived, allows prediction of the most likely coordination numbers of different cations. 

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