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The magnetic structure of the NaCl and Zinc blende structures of Manganese Sulphide MnS

MnS adopts the cubic NaCl (rocksalt) structure under normal conditions (alpha-MnS). However, MnS crystals adopting the zinc blende structure (beta-MnS) can also be grown under appropriate conditions.

The Rocksalt (NaCl)

The Zinc Blende (ZnS)

Magnetic Structures

Mn2+ has 5 d-electrons and is observed in a high spin configuration (i.e. t2g3, eg2) in both alpha- and beta-MnS. This leads to a number of possible `spin structures' and these are shown opposite.
Both alpha-(rocksalt) and beta-(zinc blende) MnS have a face centred cubic array of cations so the magnetic structures shown apply to both allotropes.

 Alpha-MnS adopts the antiferromagnetic AF2 structure.

 Beta-MnS is observed in the AF3 configuration.


Antiferromagnetic AF1

Antiferromagnetic AF2

Antiferromagnetic AF3

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