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An efficient magnetic tight-binding method for transition metals and alloys

Cyrille Barreteau a, b, , Daniel Spanjaard c , Marie-Catherine Desjonquères a


a SPEC, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 
b DTU NANOTECH, Technical University of Denmark, Ørsteds Plads 344, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark 
c Laboratoire de physique des solides, Université Paris-Sud, bâtiment 510, 91405 Orsay cedex, France 

An efficient parameterized self-consistent tight-binding model for transition metals using s, p and d valence atomic orbitals as a basis set is presented. The parameters of our tight-binding model for pure elements are determined from a fit to bulk ab-initio calculations. A very simple procedure that does not necessitate any further fitting is proposed to deal with systems made of several chemical elements. This model is extended to spin (and orbital) polarized materials by adding Stoner-like and spin–orbit interactions. Collinear and non-collinear magnetism as well as spin-spirals are considered. Finally the electron–electron intra-atomic interactions are taken into account in the Hartree–Fock approximation. This leads to an orbital dependence of these interactions, which is of a great importance for low-dimensional systems and for a quantitative description of orbital polarization and magneto-crystalline anisotropy. Several examples are discussed.


Nous présentons un modèle de liaisons fortes paramétré et auto-cohérent utilisant une base d'orbitales atomiques s, p, et d pour décrire les électrons de valence des métaux de transition. Les paramètres du modèle sont déterminés à partir d'un ajustement non linéaire sur des résultats de calculs ab initio d'éléments purs en volume. Notre procédure ne nécessite aucun paramètre ni ajustement supplémentaire pour l'étendre aux systèmes avec plusieurs atomes de natures chimiques différentes. Nous avons généralisé notre modèle aux matériaux présentant une polarisation de spin et orbitale à l'aide de termes de Stoner et de couplage spin–orbite. Nous traitons aussi bien le magnétisme colinéaire que non colinéaire ainsi que les spirales de spin. Enfin nous montrons comment prendre en compte l'interaction électron–électron intra-atomique dans l'approximation de Hartree–Fock. Cela introduit une dépendance orbitale des interactions qui peut s'avérer importante dans les systèmes de basse dimensionalité et pour décrire correctement l'anisotropie magnéto-cristalline et la polarisation orbitale. Nous illustrons notre propos à l'aide de plusieurs exemples.


Even though Density Functional Theory has become an extremely efficient method widely used in many areas of physics, chemistry, and material science, the tight-binding (TB) description of the electronic structure remains very popular, since it provides a physically transparent interpretation in terms of orbital hybridization and bond formation. In addition, its moderate computational cost permits to handle rather large and complex systems, and its straightforward implementation allows many generalizations and applications. In addition, in recent years, with the increasing interest in electronic transport and the explosion of studies in graphene nanostructures, there has been a renewal of interest for TB calculations.

Historically the TB method was introduced by Slater and Koster [[1]]. It was originally thought as a semi-empirical model to describe the electronic structure of solids with a reasonably small number of parameters that can provide reliable semi-quantitative results when these parameters are determined from a fit on first-principles calculations. Jacques Friedel in the 1960s was one of the pioneers in the application of TB to the physics of transition metals [[2], [3]]. These models were essentially based on a physical description of the band structure, but no real arguments about the total energy were developed. Qualitative explanations of the trends in the variation of the total energy when some parameters are varied (number of d electrons, concentration) were proposed, but only based on the band contribution to the total energy. Jacques Friedel was particularly talented in developing simple models with a simplified schematic description of the electronic density of states (such as the rectangular band model [[4]]) that could nevertheless describe surprisingly well many physical properties of materials. Later on, physicists started to add a phenomenological repulsive pair-potential to the band energy [[5]]. It was however not very clear what was “hidden” behind this phenomenological term. Over the years, TB methods have acquired a more solid fundamental basis. In particular, with the work of Harris and Foulkes [[6], [7]], it was shown how a tight-binding formalism can be derived from Density Functional Theory. Nowadays, there exist many electronic structure codes based on various versions of TB with different degrees of approximations [[8], [9], [10]].

Very early, TB in combination with a Stoner-like model [[11]] was recognized as an adequate tool to describe magnetism in transition metals, and Jacques Friedel was indeed very active in this field [[12], [13]]. Indeed, magnetism in a crystal is intimately related to its band structure. TB has been applied to a large variety of magnetic systems in various crystallographic structures, dimensionalities (from bulk to clusters), ordered alloys or presenting some kind of disorder [[14]]. It is not the goal of this paper to provide an exhaustive presentation of this wealth of research in magnetism. We will rather concentrate on the presentation of a TB model that we have developed over the years and that is able to describe accurately and efficiently a wide range of magnetic phenomena and materials. It is an empirical TB method with parameters fitted on ab-initio data. We will show how, with a limited number of simple and well controlled approximations, we have been able to generalize our model to alloys and include non-collinear magnetism, spin-spirals as well as spin–orbit coupling.

The paper is organized as follows: we will present the general concepts of the tight-binding description of electronic structure and its implementation in an s, p and d atomic orbital basis set for non-magnetic materials (Section 2). We will pay particular attention to describe properly features that are often not discussed thoroughly in publications: non-orthogonality of the TB basis set, self-consistent treatment, proper definition of local quantities, etc. Then, in Section 3, we will show how, using a simple Stoner model, spin-polarization can be included, first for collinear magnetism (Section 3.1), then for non-collinear configurations (Section 3.2). Spin–orbit coupling and magneto-crystalline anisotropy will also be discussed in detail. Section 3 will be ended by a discussion of more elaborated Hartree–Fock like Hamiltonians that can play an important role in low-dimensional or anisotropic systems. Finally we will draw conclusions in Section 4.

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