On Quantum Mechanics ( Max Born )
Max Born
Part I
Received 1925
Translation into English:Sources of Quantum Mechanics,Ed. by B. L. van der Waerden, North Holland, Amsterdam (1967) 277.
The recently published theoretical approach of Heisenberg is here developedinto a systematic theory of quantum mechanics (in the first place for systems hav-ing one degree of freedom) with the aid of mathematical matrix methods. Aftera brief survey of the latter, the mechanical equations of motion are derived froma variational principle and it is shown that using Heisenberg’s quantum condition,the principle of energy conservation and Bohr’s frequency condition follow from themechanical equations. Using the anharmonic oscillator as example, the question ofuniqueness of the solution and of the significance of the phases of the partial vibra-tions is raised. The paper concludes with an attempt to incorporate electromagneticfield laws into the new theory.
Part II
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